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Trap or Treat? Or is the trap the treat!? XD / Img by: Takocha

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Release 007: Tsukumo Gou - JukeBOX Vol. 13 [Translated]

   (REVISED: 13/06/16)

    Hi there friends! Long time no see, ne?  Our sincerest apologies for the lack of updates latetly.

    Unfortunately it takes a bit of time for us to properly translate and edit these doujinshi to share with you all.  So please, be patient and check back soon because we have some amazing treats we're finishing up.  In the mean-time Today I have a neat thing to share, it's a book that I, Dari-kun, worked on a while ago, I actually forgot about it so here it is.

Instead of making two different posts and uploads, both versions of the translation of the JukeBOX 13 CD are included in one post.  The HTML version is the actual CD's way of viewing and features some small extras.

** The HTML version does not need internet connection nor does it connect to internet, however your browser will load it being it is most people's primary HTML reader.**
Of course this download has a version with just the story from the CD, that's translated, like our usual books in a series of picture files.

Tsukumo Gou - JukeBOX vol. 13 (Eng)

Mirror Link
Translated and Edited by: Dari-kun

Brief Summary:

Tatsuya-kun is looking to return something he owes to his friend Yuuji. Yuuji isn't home so Taichi-san takes Yuuji's place and in full-color Box awesomeness squares up Tatsuya's debt =)


Yoshioka said...

merci beaucoup :">

Anonymous said...

The link is broken.

Dari-kun said...

You're welcome Yoshioka!

Anonymous, this link was just fixed =)

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