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Welcome Friends To Our Halloween Ressurection!
Trap or Treat? Or is the trap the treat!? XD / Img by: Takocha

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Release 020: Ogataya Haruka - 37°C 2nd (Translated) {Book 2 of 2}

 (REVISED: 2014/09/05 - Fixed Downed Links, Added Secondary Link & Adjusted post layout)
Ogataya Haruka - 37°C 2nd

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Translated & Edited by: Frost
Proof-read by: Toki-kun


Brief Summary:

Yay! Without further ado we present you with the second book of 37°C! As you've seen in the previous book we have two boys with a unique relationship, Kamiya "Monkey boy" and Tachibana.  
Tachibana is a rich boy whose also a genious who puts all his effort into perfection both at school and in sex XD (hehehe I didn't think other people practiced at sex too ;P ) 
As a result of such hard work, Tachibana lives a bit of a lonely life and in this book we get to see Tachibana's house when he has Kamiya over for a visit.  
This little series is rather cute because it really is about the boys' feelings more than it is about the sexy sex (although there's plenty of that too), the artist has done good at making you feel bad for the lonely boy but also happy for him because he has Kimiya to be there for him <3 So next time you plan to bang someone to make them feel better, go ahead XD hehehe Such a moe-ish series and you should be reading it now already...go go gooooo~ <3

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