Raw provided by: Hokutomaru
Translated by: Hokutomaru + Toki-kun
Edited by: Hokutomaru
Proof-read by: Toki-kun
Brief Summary:
Yay!!! This is yet another of the latest releases from us over here at Hataraki Bachi: Busy Bee Translations!
This story is just oh so cute! This artist, Aoi Sara, really has a knack for portraying cuteness and moe while also adding a good bit of naughtiness and comedy. To briefly summarize the story, there's two kawaii shota's here, Henry and Takato, they are at the Candy store that they seemingly work at and Henry presents Takato with a lovely gift of chocolates! You know what happens when cute boys exchange chocolate, right? ;) Even if you don't know-you can read this book and become well aware of what it means to be given special hand-made chocolates! There is an amusing twist at the end that totally adds to the cute-factor of this book (..and to be honest, I have actually been in a very similar situation before! XD) So, you should go read the book now, really, it's really just amazing cute, I know I've used that adjective quite a few times in this review BUTTT it's really the one word that purely describes this book. Oh, on the bottom left of page 3, look at Takato's eyes, there's a very neat little detail there! {Keep an eye out as you read for other little details ;) }
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