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Welcome Friends To Our Halloween Ressurection!
Trap or Treat? Or is the trap the treat!? XD / Img by: Takocha

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Release 021: Gonta Kahoru [Ad-Hoc] - K.O. Round 5 (Summer Wars) [Translated]

(REVISED: 2014/09/05 - Fixed Downed Links, Added Secondary Link & Adjusted post layout)

Mirror Link


Raws provided by: Boutoku
Translated by: Boutoku
Edited by: Hany + Boutoku
Proof-read by: Toki-kun + Hokutomaru


Brief Summary:

This next release is something super cool! A Summer Wars doujinshi featuring Kazuma-kun and his Onii-san (who looks an awful lot like Kenji XD) In this book Kazuma-kun and Onii-san quickly get distracted from their task at hand and when push comes to shove ... 
Well teehee~~ I don't wanna spoil this story, you'll just have to read it. Being it's a Summer Wars doujinshi by an amazing artist and topped off with a beautiful translation by our Boutoku, I don't think this needs a big description because let's be honest, anything Summer Wars is yayyy! 
Ps: Yes, there is lots of sexy tanned Kazuma-kun x Kenji sex XD

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