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Translated & Edited & Raw by: Dari-kun
Proof-Reading: Toki-kun
Pages: 53 + Credit Page
Brief Summary:
This book is a special two-part release. Firstly, this work is completely dedicated to my friend Hany-kun for his Birthday, I am so terribly sorry for the delay but Happy Birthday. This isn't like the usual books we post. This book is a copy book containing detailed sketches of newer anime from various artists (Mainly Yataneko, whom is very very popular in Nihon.)
This book is really artistic, ofcourse there is some echhi stuff but for the most part it's clean and cute and anyone who appreciates anime art will just fall in love with this book.
This is a two part release as I have uncovered some colored omake versions of the sketches that are so unique and beautiful that they need to be their own set,
The images are of very high-quality so file size is a little high but this books is only 75.98MB.
I put alot of work into this set so I really hope you all appreciate it! Most importantly you, Hany, Happy Birthday buddy!
The link is dead btw thank you for translating~! :3
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