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Welcome Friends To Our Halloween Ressurection!

Welcome Friends To Our Halloween Ressurection!
Trap or Treat? Or is the trap the treat!? XD / Img by: Takocha

Friday, July 15, 2011

Release 030: Sabawo [Transistor Angel] - Precocious Twins (Translated)!DJwG0Iqb!G5vTKyZKTdrbT2ICFvgLJG7IKh5Ir2uUsLB6-jRyRv0

  • Raws provided by: Boutoku-san
  • Translation & Editing by: Dari-kun
  • Uncensoring by: Hany-san
Pages 5 + Credit Page

 Brief Summary:

Today we have yet another translation from 'Syotayanen the Anthology 2004', some of you may recognize that there is another story I've translated from this very anthology "M-Works - The Ordinary Sunday of a Certain Boy."  This is a short story about two cute twin brothers having a little quarrel about who is taller leading the loser to come up with a fantastic idea to measure something else between the two boys.  This is one of those cute stories that make you laugh and go "d'awwww" hehe~ It was a lot of fun to work on and I hope you all enjoy it! Take care for now friends!


Nice Batting staff said...

Awww! <3
That was very cute.
Great job as always, Busy Bee!

Worker Bee said...

Thank you NiceSawa <3

Anonymous said...

The links is dead btw thank you for translating~ :))

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